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The Glasscock Groundwater Conservation District was formed in August 1981 by the Acts of the 67th Legislature. The area served consists of Glasscock County and a northwest portion of Reagan County. GGCD strives to bring conservation, preservation, and water-wise use for the citizens of the District by monitoring and protecting the quality of groundwater. There are 639,793 acres within the District. (approx. 999 square miles)


Well permitting

Well registration

Water quality monitoring

Rainfall measurements

Water level measurements


As of January 19, 2021, the Board of Directors approved Staff to enforce a deadline for water well permit submission.

Permits can be turned in to the District office the day before the board meeting date no later than 4:00 pm.

Permits submitted the morning of board meeting day, will NOT be presented to the Board of Directors for approval until the following meeting.

This allows staff to field verify well locations before drilling.

If you have questions, please call our office.


​To comply with our Management Plan, the Glasscock Groundwater Conservation District is required to provide area residents with information about water conservation, recharge enhancement, precipitation enhancement, and brush control.


2024 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet

Small Taxing Unit Notice